Aberdeen Newborn photographer

My name is Zohreh, I am a newborn and older baby photographer with a cozy home studio in Bridge of Don, Aberdeen. I am the heart and soul of Zozi Photography.

Raising two wonderful children has been an incredible experience for me.  A beautiful dreamy daughter of 15 and a fantastically sweet and tough daughter of 6. In addition, I have been the proud wife of a precious man for 17 years, who is incredibly supportive of my business.

I graduated in Photography from North East Scotland College and have been trained in newborn photography and safe posing by some of the best newborn photographers in the UK, including amazing Yolanta who's running dreamartsy.co.uk, and talented Emma Jane from Littlelovephotography.co.uk.

The years of our babies' growth hold some of our most cherished memories. Every parent longs for their child to stay a toddler a little while longer, as they pass by all too quickly. Capturing these moments is a magical experience, and I am confident that my photography delivers not only images but lasting memories for you and your loved ones to treasure for a lifetime.

I look forward to meeting you and your beautiful families.  

Aberdeen newborn photographer



Jade Doherty

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"We had our newborn photoshoot for our son and I cannot recommend Zozi Photography enough! She was so patient when he was unsettled and ensured he was comfortable at all times. Can’t recommend enough"

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