Preparation guide for a newborn Photoshoot

This guide will help prepare you and your baby for your upcoming Newborn session. Following this guide will help ensure your session runs as smoothly as possible.


- Sessions may take up to 2-3 hours long. (Can be shorter, but also longer)

- Props, headbands, bonnets, and wraps are supplied. If you have a sentimental item and you wish to bring them along, please let me know.

- Keep the baby awake minimum 1 hour prior to the session (a bath works well).

- Give the baby a large feed before arriving at the studio or plan to feed once you arrive. Be prepared to feed the baby throughout the session or have prepared bottles (bottles work great for posing and feeding simultaneously).

- Bring baby to session in a button/zipper-down sleeper and loose diaper.

- Please bring a pacifier with you even if your baby isn’t a regular user of them. This helps tremendously with soothing, if even just for the session time.

- Studio will be very warm, dress in layers for your own comfort. (So you can adjust to the room temperature easily)

- I usually plan to take family images first if there are siblings so they are able to leave with someone after about the first 30 minutes since the session space will not accommodate a large group but if they need to stay, please bring toys and things to occupy them as the baby sessions are a couple of hours.

- It is suggested to clear the schedule for the day to avoid over-stimulation prior to the session; also sessions may run longer than anticipated.

- When the baby needs a break we’ll take a break. Don’t stress if the baby gets fussy. If a baby needs to stop to eat or have their diaper changed, we most definitely will. Most babies need to eat at least once during their session. 

- For family portraits, I will recommend neutral colours as they work best. It's important to note that the focus is on the baby and not on the clothing. Simple black, white or grey coloured top or dress for mum and a T-shirt or shirt for Dad with no logos works best.​

- Please remember to bring some snacks for yourself especially if you are breastfeeding.